I am a trader, not a coder. My primary goal is to find the holy grail of automated trading strategies. My secondary goal is to demystify the process of creating automated trading strategies for programmers and traders alike.

We have yet to find this elusive automated trade strategy, but we’re on the hunt!

ATS is a Reference Library with over 80 strategies. Sign up for the mail list for regular updates.

Click here for links to all strategy descriptions and here for a list of FAQs.

Important: There is no guarantee that our strategies will have the same performance in the future. We use backtests to compare historical strategy performance. Backtests are based on historical data, not real-time data so the results we share are hypothetical, not real. Forward tests are based on live data, however, they use a simulated account. Any success I have with live trading is untypical. Trading futures is extremely risky. You should only use risk capital to fund live futures accounts and if you do trade live, be prepared to lose your entire account. There are no guarantees that any performance you see here will continue in the future (good or bad)—that’s what makes the hunt for the holy grail so difficult. This is why the best way to trade is with a simulated account on live data. I recommend using ATS strategies in simulated trading until you/we find the holy grail of trade strategy.

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Automated Trading Strategies (for non-coders) - We're on a hunt for the holy grail of automated trade strategy.


Trader, Dog Lover, Sci-fi Comedy fan, MBA, Harvard Fellow. Fascinated in nature, animal behavior, alt-investments, economic systems, ancient text, social entrepreneurship, direct democracy and longevity techniques. Married to my soul mate.